
  • 2012

    The Beginning

    Starting as a few side jobs during graduate school, Zach found himself needing to bring more and more of his friends in to keep up with the demand. Several friends and collaborators from Duke and Stanford have helped out over the years in building the team into what they are today. We are very thankful for the mentorship of our graduate advisors for helping us keep a balance between completing our studies and growing our consulting business.

  • 2015

    Sunny Palo Alto

    In Silicon Valley is where things started to get serious, with the company getting enough steady work to grow the team and for us to really start considering leaving academia to persue this full time and better support our expanding client base. Sadly the cost of living was just too high, and most folks had family back on the east coast. We love the relationships we formed in the peninsula and are fortunate to be able to come back frequently to service clients and see old friends.

  • 2017

    The Move To Atlanta

    Our move to the east coast brought us closer to home and resulted in less total flights for our members. We got our first dedicated space, still working out of Zach's basement, but it was a pretty cool space to work! Our dev team had grown to a larger base of full time members and we had a lot of great times at the basement office. Many cups of coffee were enjoyed.

  • 2020

    Settling In Boone

    During the pandemic, it became clear that we could operate almost entirely remotely, apart from a small applications lab. We also determined that we needed access to a steady supply of new skilled recruits. As a graduate of the applied physics program at AppState, Zach knew the quality of students and the quality of life that the area brought to the table. We are happy to say that we have put down roots in Boone that have already grown into strong ties with the community and the university.

The Team

Our Goal

Streamline your processes by taking a hybrid approach to innovating both software and hardware to work in unison with another.

We use computer vision, machine learning, advanced computation and automation workflows to eliminate repetitive tasks and amplify the performance of your most critical team members. We are strong believers that AI and people work better together than separately, and our processes reflect this approach.

Our Work

Our latest publications.


Past and Present

Job Openings

We are always on the lookout for exciting additions to our software development, mechanical engineering, and design teams if the right candidate presents themselves. Please feel free to apply even if your skill set is not a 1:1 match.